期刊 | Cognitive Linguistics 2021第2期目录
Open Access March 3, 2021
The heart’s downward path to happiness: cross-cultural diversity in spatial metaphors of affect
Ewelina Wnuk, Yuma Ito
Page range: 195-218
Requires Authentication March 5, 2021
Predicting syntactic choice in Mandarin Chinese: a corpus-based analysis of ba sentences and SVO sentences
Yu Fang, Haitao Liu
Page range: 219-250
Accessible April 12, 2021
Locative construals: topology, posture, disposition, and perspective in Secoya and beyond
Rosa Vallejos, Hunter L. Brown
Page range: 251-286
Open Access March 12, 2021
Constructional associations trump lexical associations in processing valency coercion
Lucia Busso, Florent Perek, Alessandro Lenci
Page range: 287-318
Requires Authentication March 9, 2021
Entrenchment effects in code-mixing: individual differences in German-English bilingual children
Antje Endesfelder Quick, Ad Backus, Elena Lieven
Page range: 319-348